Congratulations to our March Students of the Month!

These amazing students were nominated by their teachers for exemplifying what it means to be a Hawk!
Manuela: Lala exemplifies what it means to be a Hawk each day. She is always cooperative, kind, respectful, helpful, and loving to everyone. We're so proud of you, Lala, and thank you!
Audryn: Audryn is kind and respectful to her classmates and teachers. I appreciate her willingness to help others without being asked. Audryn, you are a wonderful example of a H.A.W.K.! I am grateful to have you in class and I look forward to seeing your continued success! 
Hailey: Hailey is a wonderful student who is always eager to learn. She is prepared for each class, doesn't complain, and always turns in her assignments. Way to show the school what a HAWK looks like!