K-2 Aniyah De La Cruz- Nominated by Ms. Luder
Aniyah is a model Hawk. She works hard each and every day. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone that needs it. Aniyah is always Hawk Ready and shows others what it means to be a responsible Kindergartener!
3-5 Ellie Munoz- Nominated by Ms. Ritter
Ellie has truly brightened our classroom environment this semester. Ellie consistently demonstrates exceptional character and academic dedication. Her kindness and respect towards her classmates is remarkable. What stands out most about Ellie is her remarkable sense of responsibility. She consistently completes her work and follows classroom expectations. She's an exceptional classmate who leads by example. I am extremely proud of Ellie! Ellie is a great example of what it means to be a HAWK!
6-8 Grae Pedersen- Nominated by Ms. Diaz
Grae is a great example of a HAWK. She is the most kind and caring individual as she shows respect to all around her. She works hard in class and always gives her best effort. Keep up the great work, Grae!