Medical Services/Nurse

The health and safety of our students and staff is our highest priority.
Thank you for reviewing the information below to help keep our school community feeling our best!

 Most Common Reasons Children Should Stay Home From School

  • Fever of 100 degrees or more. Stay home for 24 hours after fever is gone without using fever reducing medication. When your child has a fever, do not give a fever-reducing medication and send your child to school.
  • Vomiting and Diarrhea. Stay home 24 hours after last episode and encourage fluids.  
  • Sore Throat. Strep may be present, even without a fever. A person with a strep infection may have a headache, and stomachache. If your child has been tested positive for strep, your child must stay home for 24 hours after antibiotics have been started, symptoms subside and no fever for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.  
  • Runny nose and cough. A child who is feeling run down, not sleeping well due to a cold, or actively sneezing or coughing is not going to be able to pay attention and learn.
  • Earaches.Take your child to a doctor if the earache lasts more than a day, and if pain is severe with or without a fever.
  • Skin rash. Take your child to a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment. Treatment must be given for 24 hours before returning to school.
  • Pink eye. If the white of your child's eye is red and has any drainage, you should keep them home and contact the child's doctor. If pink eye is diagnosed, the child must stay home until they have been on an antibiotic treatment for 24 hours.
  • Head Lice. Children who are found to have head lice at home must be treated before coming to school. Please contact the school nurse for more directions. Your child should not miss more than 1 day!

Suggestions to Prevent Illness

  • Make sure your child gets enough sleep at night 
  • Eat a well balanced diet of low fat and low sugar foods.
  • Wash hands with soap and warm water frequently, especially before eating.
  • Provide an environment that is physically and emotionally safe.
  • Get daily exercise.
  • Teach your child to cough and sneeze in their elbow.

School Examination Requirements

  • All Kindergarten and 6th Grade physicals with updated immunizations are due by October 15th to avoid exclusion from school.  
  • All Kindergarten vision Exams are due by October 15th to remain in compliance with the state of Illinois Heath Requirements.
  • Sports physicals need to be done and turned in to the health office before any participation in practice and games!

Cold and Flu season is here!!

Please check out the link below for ANY and ALL info about the flu! It is so important to be aware of symptoms so that it can be diagnosed and treated early. Please be aware that the flu is very contagious!  The flu vaccine is a highly recommended way of protecting yourself and others from the flu. See the link for further flu info or contact your Doctor for information about getting the vaccine for you and your family!